ILE RPG Structure: Subprocedures, Modules and Service Programs
Craig Pelkie
ILE RPG Structure: Subprocedures, Modules and Service Programs
In this session, Craig describes many
"best practices" for constructing
modules. You'll see how to design
modules that have "worker"
subprocedures and "accessor"
subprocedures; how to work with
optional and default values;
techniques to manage and easily
reuse source code; a template for
designing modules; and rules of
thumb for dealing with change after
putting modules into production.
Once you understand how to
construct modules, you're well on
your way to creating a library of
code that you can easily extend and
use as the basis for future
development. As an added bonus,
learning how to effectively work
with modules is great preparation
for learning other languages (such as
Java) that use similar program
construction techniques.
Many RPG programmers are familiar
with the concepts and basic rules of
coding subprocedures, parameters
and return values. But many
programmers are puzzled about
how to create modules and service
programs based on multiple
Craig Pelkie is a frequent speaker at seminars and user group meetings around the country. Craig has written many articles for the major industry publications (Midrange Computing, News/400) and is an on-going contributor to iSeries 400 Experts Journal. Craig is a coauthor of four IBM Redbooks and the creator of the IBM Learning Services Net.Data course. Craig currently works with The 400 School to deliver customized training courses for Java and WebSphere projects. He maintains a web site at with many articles and code samples freely available to the iSeries 400 community.