FASUG Application Development Day 2004

Track E Session 2

System Management Fundamentals
Pete Massiello

System Management Fundamentals
What can you do to stop the wild growth of disk space and also improve system performance? In this presentation we will talk about System Management and Database fundamentals. While the AS/400 may manage itself in some areas, there are many optimization and cleanup techniques that are part of OS/400, yet most shops don’t spend the time and effort to implement them. We will learn the "tricks" that can help you reduce your disk I/O, reduce disk utilization, reduce memory faulting, and improve system performance.

Pete Massiello   has been working with the AS/400 since 1989, focusing on systems management and technical services. He has held numerous technical positions before becoming a partner in OS Solutions. Pete has a BS in Computer Science from Hofstra University, and an MBA from the University of New Haven. He is President of the Fairfield CT AS/400 User Group (FASUG), a member of the COMMON Board of Directors, and a frequent speaker at local user groups.

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