FASUG Application Development Day 2004

Track E Session 4

Its about Time
Al Barsa, Jr.

Its about Time
Come hear Al Barsa discuss the newly added time support for OS/400 in V5R3. Topics will include automated changes, automatic transformation of the system internal clock from local time to UTC (with no change to you’re your normal operations), multiple time zone support, automated daylight savings time and other time adjustments. This is the first of two stages of enhancement to time support, with a later stage occurring in a subsequent release.

Al Barsa, Jr.   is President of Barsa Consulting Group, LLC and Barsa Systems Distribution, Inc, which specialize in the iSeries - AS/ 400. Al is the President of the Long Island Systems User Group and covers new hardware and software announcements for News/ 400. Al is very active in the COMMON organization as a frequent speaker at both US COMMON and COMMON Europe, as an Editor of the COMMON technical library and as a member of the Speaker Excellence Committee, and has addressed other user groups throughout the world. In the past, Al has been voted COMMON's “Best Speaker”, won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, and has received COMMON's highest honor, the COMMON Distinguished Service Award. For the year ending 2002 and in six prior years, Al was named on the 'AS/ 400 Insider Weekly's' "10 Biggest AS/ 400 Market Influencers" list, making him the only person in the world ever to be named seven times.

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