FASUG Application Development Day 2006

Track C Session 1

All You Need to Know About SQL in 2-1/2 Hours (Part 1 of 2)

All You Need to Know About SQL

Well maybe it will take a little more than 2-1/2 hours... To survive in today’s environment of moving data between multiplatform systems, you need at a minimum, a working knowledge of SQL. IBM developed SQL in the late 1960’s time frame, and it has grown into the industry standard relational database language and the standard for sharing data between systems. Not only can SQL be used to query data, but it also can be used for data definition, manipulation, and control, and is the key to understanding data retrieval in the rapidly evolving networked computing environment. SQL is simple to use and is an extremely powerful database and application development tool. This session will provide an overview of SQL concepts and basic SQL statements on the iSeries and AS/400, and discuss the use of SQL for query, data retrieval, database creation and management, and to do file I/O in application programs.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.