FASUG Application Development Day 2006

Track D Session 5

iSeries Access for Web: Control Access and Customize

iSeries Access for Web: Control Access and Customize

When you connect to your System i through iSeries Access for Web, you will be presented with a default home page that enables you to work with your server resources, such as 5250 applications, printers, database, file system, and more. However, as an administrator of your System i, you may not want many of your connecting users to have access to all of these functions. You can limit access by using the customization tools provided by Access for Web. Everything is controlled through i5/OS user profiles, so you can restrict functions based on single users or group profiles. And you can create a variety of front pages for your different types of users. Come to this session to learn:

  1. How to set policies to control what functions of iSeries Access for Web that connecting users can see and use.
  2. About "user-level" preferences that may improve productivity for connecting users.
  3. How to use the customize functions to create your own home pages.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.