FASUG Application Development Day 2007

Track D Session 1

iSeries Access for Web: Overview, Installation, Configuration

iSeries Access for Web: Overview, Installation, Configuration

Abstract: iSeries Access for Web provides access to System i resources through a browser interface. iSeries Access for Web runs entirely on the System i in a web application server. Come to this session to learn the software requirements, learn how to install and configure V5R4 iSeries Access for Web, and see an overview of the most popular functions. (The 5250 interface is covered in another session.) There will be a demonstration of configuring iSeries Access for Web in two different web serving environments:

  1. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Tomcat, which is automatically delivered with HTTP Server for i5/OS
  2. Web Application Server (WAS) - Express V6.1 3. The integrated web application server, which is delivered with V5R4 i5/OS.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.