FASUG Application Development Day 2008

Track D Session 1

Architecting Modernization
Trevor Perry

Architecting Modernization

The Information Technology industry is undergoing continual transformation. Traditional legacy application development remains popular, and maintenance of legacy systems remains a major portion of IT work. At the same time, new technologies, methodologies, hardware and software appear at light speed.
While vendors develop sales pitches for related offerings, there are few sources to help you understand the big picture. IT executives are asking questions like "Why do we need middleware?", "How do we optimize our IT?", "How do I retain my legacy investment?", "Which is better, J2EE or .Net?", "Where do we start?", and so on.
These questions relate to the modernization of the enterprise. Trevor's presentation outlines a framework to understand Enterprise Modernization and focus on a higher level of IT strategy. He answers these questions with relevance to a company’s needs, applications, platforms and direction.
Trevor will give you the details of several customer modernization efforts, showing you how to take advantage of the introduced framework. These stories of practical efforts will equip you with an approach that can be adopted to suit your own company and IT organization.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.