FASUG Application Development Day 2008

Track C Session 3

The Role of PHP in Web Development for IBM i
Trevor Perry

The Role of PHP in Web Development for IBM i

In an IBM i environment, modern applications typically utilize business logic written using RPG or COBOL, SQL for database access, and green screen for user interfaces. To enable these applications for a browser user interface (BUI), HTML is the primary language and the user experience is enhanced with technologies that include DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. Cross-platform languages such as Java or PHP help bridge the gap between the HTML-based user interface and the RPG- or COBOLbased business logic. PHP is ideal in this role because it is well-supported on the IBM i operating system, it is relatively easy to learn, and it works well with BUIs. This webcast looks at the design decisions involved in building applications that leverage existing RPG or COBOL business logic while taking advantage of the versatility of PHP. The webcast also includes a brief introduction to PHP syntax and coding techniques.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.