FASUG Application Development Day 2008

Track A Session 4

Case Study: XML and RPG
Charlie Guarino

Case Study: XML and RPG

XML has quickly become a standard method of encoding data. It can be used for full document transmittals or data provided via a web service.
The extraction of this data into usable information is called parsing. RPG provides two different methods for parsing. This session goes step by step through the entire process of receiving an XML document to successfully parsing it to a database file. The XML-INTO and XML-SAX statements will be reviewed. The challenges and requirements of both statements will be discussed. At the end of this session, you will be able to identify which parsing method works best for your particular situation. Included with this session are program listings that you can take back and put to use immediately. Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a basic understanding of XML syntax.
  • Understand the functions of DOM and SAX parsers, and how they are implemented in RPG.
Audience: Programmers who wish to parse XML documents or web services data directly from within RPG.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.