FASUG Application Development Day 2009

Track C Session 5

MySQL for IBM i Developers
Jon Paris

MySQL for IBM i Developers

MySQL, the most popular database for PHP applications, can help you take advantage of hundreds of free open source PHP applications and integrate that data with your own RPG or COBOL applications. Using DB2 as the storage engine for your MySQL databases means that exactly the same data can be directly accessed and updated using MySQL from PHP or Java applications as well as from native RPG or COBOL programs and/or your favorite query tool.
This session provides:

  • An overview of MySQL and storage engine concepts
  • Hints for installing, managing, and using MySQL on IBM i
  • Tips for using PASE terminal sessions, the MySQL client and other MySQL admin tools
  • Steps to Install and use the DB2 for i storage engine
  • Hints on dealing with long and/or case-sensitive names in RPG programs
  • Comparisons between MySQL and your native IBM i flavor of DB2

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.