iSeries Navigator: Overview
Greg Hintermeister

January 14th, 2003 - FASUG Meeting

You've heard about iSeries Navigator, right? But maybe you haven't had the time to learn much about it. Or maybe you haven't heard about our GUI for the iSeries at all. If so, this is the session to help get you started understanding this poweful and productive user interface for daily operations and administration. We'll explore iSeries Navigator and learn how to access the functions inside it. We'll also take a quick tour through the capabilities offered by the GUI up to and including our V5R2 version.

Greg Hintermeister  is a UI Designer for iSeries. His main projects include iSeries Navigator, wireless applications, and other web applications. He has spoken quite often at COMMON, iSeries Technical Conference, and several user groups. He has received a "Speaker of Merit" at 3 separate COMMON conferences. All of his presentations, as well as numerous articles, can be found here.

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