Visual Age for RPG
Roy Goldstein, Capricorn Information Systems

July 16th, 2002 FASUG Meeting

This session will give the attendee an overview of and address fundamental questions about IBM’s Visual Age for RPG, which is part of the WebSphere suite of application development tools. It will answer the following questions:

Roy Goldstein  has almost 20 years applications development experience on IBM midrange systems. Roy has programmed using a variety of languages on S/3X, AS/400 and PCs including RPG II, RPG III, MS/Access, FoxPro and FOCUS. Roy has designed and programmed numerous systems using VARPG over the past four years. He has trained RPG programmers in the use of VARPG for three years. Currently Roy is with Capricorn Information Systems, a Westchester County consulting company specializing in developing business applications for companies using VARPG. Roy has worked with developers at the IBM Toronto Lab to improve the functionality of VARPG and beta test new releases.

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