"WebFacing Live!" and " What's new in V5R1 for RPG IV"

June 19th, 2001 FASUG Meeting

Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Time: 4:00 PM - 9:00PM, Registration begins at 3:30
Location: Norwalk Inn, 99 East Ave. Norwalk, CT.
Fee: $35 for members
$60 for non-members
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Afternoon: WebFacing Live 
See it done before your eyes. In March we told you about what was coming with this new WebFacing facility on the AS/400. Now, in June we can now show you the actual product that will be delivered with V5R1. We plan on taking an AS/400 RPG/DDS application and showing you step by step, using the actual product, how to convert your existing DDS source into JSPs and Java Beans. Claus will actually perform the steps live before your eyes. See how its done, ask questions while it is happening, see from start to finish what is required to convert an application. You will also learn how WebFacing will provide a server environment that allows your existing iSeries/400 programs (RPG and others) to communicate with these converted browser enabled screens. This will all be shown via a live demo.

After Dinner: What's new in V5R1 for RPGIV
You have been asking for some time, and now IBM Toronto is delivering. This session will cover some of the newest and biggest enhancements to RPGIV ever. This is what RPG programmers "drool" about. There has been many new features that have been added to the RPGIV language in V5R1. Come hear how to use them, and how to take advantage of these new enhancements. We will go into the details of this announcement and look at the new Built-ins, the improved support to interface with JAVA, the new error handling with the Monitor op code, the new Free form C specs, and lots of other great enhancements.

Our Speaker for this event is:

Claus Weiss  is a technical planner with the AS/400 Application Development Tools team at the IBM Canada Toronto Laboratory. He has a Computer Science degree from the University of Hamburg, Germany. Claus worked as systems engineer at IBM Germany and joined the IBM Toronto Laboratory in 1984. He was a developer and team leader for System S/38 AD tools and has been a member of the Design Control Group for the AS/400 AD tools. He worked as planner for AS/400 AD for the past nine years specializing in Visual Tools. Claus is a frequent speaker at COMMON and other AS/400 conferences.

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Web Site by: Ashway Consulting, LLC
May 10, 2001