Planning for Logical Partitioning of your iSeries
Dale Barrick, IBM

March 18th, 2003 FASUG Meeting

So you want to do LPAR? This presentation will provide an understanding of LPAR concepts focusing on planning and design elements, capabilities and technical considerations. This information is helpful to both the buyer and seller of LPAR solutions. A review of the tools and methodology for requirements gathering and design will be included.

Dale Barrick is a Senior IT Specialist with IBM Techline in Atlanta, Georgia, with 26 years of service. As a Systems Engineer, his background is S/36, AS/400, and iSeries. He is currently the iSeries Techline Focal Point for the Southeastern Area and the national lead for the LPAR Solutions Initiative team. He also works with the iTC performing LPAR plan validations and has assisted the iTC in the V4R5 and V5R1 LPAR class rewrites and the original LPAR Validation Tool development prior its initial release. Recently he participated in the creation of the LPAR Certification examination. He has co-authored the LPAR Configuration & Management redbook, the iSeries Migration redbook and two versions of the iSeries System Builder and Handbook.

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