The Art of Debugging: From STRDBG to the RDi/WDSc debugger

Charles Guarino, Central Park Data Systems, Inc.

March 24, 2009 FASUG Meeting

Description: Making the decision to abandon the green screen development environment takes a lot of patience. Once you made the leap though you’ll be very glad you did. This session examines our old comfort-zone friend STRDBG and shows the similarities, differences and productivity improvements in this new world of application debugging.

Learning Objectives:

Our Speaker:

With an IT career spanning over 26 years, Charles Guarino has been a consultant for most of them. Since 1995 he has been President and founder of Central Park Data Systems, Inc., a Long Island based IBM midrange consulting company.

He has published several technical and strategic articles, served as a member of AS/400 Management Magazine’s Editorial Review Board, and has received recognition as a COMMON Speaker of Merit.

More recently, he was a featured speaker for System i Network’s webcast, "Tips and Techniques for Achieving a Successful Encryption Project." He will be inducted into COMMON’s Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame at the 2008 Spring Conference. Charles is currently a COMMON Application Development Subject Matter Expert and a member and Director of LISUG, a Long Island IBM System i Users Group.

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