Time travel with DB2 for i - Temporal tables on IBM i 7.3

Scott Forstie, IBM

September 26, 2017 FASUG Meeting

Session Abstract:
Our Speaker: With IBM i 7.3, DB2 for i has added a time machine into the database. No, you won't be able to submit your jobs under the "DeLoreantime machine" subsystem, Instead, DB2 for i has added a way for your to tell the database to automatically keep track of the history of your SQL table. Once this data-centric history is enabled, you can use SQL to ask time-based questions (queries). If you have ever needed to know the contents of the table at a specific point in time or over a time range, DB2 for i Temporal table support makes it easy to accomplish. This session will explain DB2 for i Temporal table support and include working examples. Its time to retire older and less effective solutions to solving this important business requirement. Step up to IBM i 7.3 and use Temporal tables in DB2 for i.

Scott Forstie is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM. He is the DB2 for i Business Architect, working on all things related to the database on IBM i. Scott is responsible for everything related to DB2 for i. He is a frequently published author and speaker at industry events. He also is the content manager of the IBM i Technology Updates wiki (www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/techupdates) where IBM i operating system enhancements are described. He can be reached at forstie@us.ibm.com or followed on Twitter @Forstie_IBMi. Scott enjoys running and is an avid cook.


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